Professional Floor Waxing

Clean floors and tiles in a home show how well-maintained the house is and also reflect the way of living too. Keeping your home clean not only makes it beautiful but also ensures good hygiene. As time passes, the floors begin to develop scratches, wax-build up and start appearing yellowish- this can be only taken care of with proper treatment. Floors with high traffic are more prone to receive and accumulate dirt, debris, and grit and would leave a bad impression on the guests.

Do’s and Don’ts

The floor and tile cleaning part might sound like a cup of cake but believe our word that it isn’t. You may reach out for chemicals and solutions to clean the floors on your own, but not only it gives unsatisfactory results, but it might also damage the tiles.

Floor tiles may range from hardwood tiles to the vinyl tiles, each have different properties and molecular bonding, so their cleaning process will also differ. The professionals hold expertise in dealing with any sort of tiles dirt.

DIY means wastage of a lot of time and can be tricky, plus the results are not up to the mark. But you can expect 100 percent results from the professional cleaning experts.

Steps in waxing and stripping the floors:

 Stripping: A powerful floor scrubber is used in this process, which scrubs out or removes all the old layers of wax, sealer, or other grime-formed on the surface.

After stripping the old layer of wax from the floors, the floor is left without all the accumulated dirt and grime. Stripping and waxing tile floors is a -natural process and is performed on various floor tiles like – stripping wax off vinyl floors, marble tile, concrete, slate, or any wax finish surface.

Waxing: After removing the old layer of wax through stripping, a new layer of  waxing solution is applied, often with 4-6 layers, to give long-lasting protection and to give the floor their shine back – like they were new. 

Professionals ensure that high-quality wax is used and also applies it in such a way that the floors remain shiny and protected for almost six years.

Why Choose Professionals?

1. It requires proper equipment: Cleaning experts have knowledge and training on powerful equipments that can restore any sort of floor tiles. Professionals come well equipped with the solution for any type of tile material.

2. Quick Cleaning results: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to quickly identify and resolve floor waxing issues. Not only that, they make use of machines that they don’t harm the surroundings or furniture or other material. Hence you get an instant shine and zero damage probability. So, when are you going to get your floors cleaned as new?